Wednesday, March 6, 2013

On interior design and teaching...

Image from
There is a less abstract link between interior design and the other artforms we have covered so far in this course. There is a multitude of articles online about classroom interior design, whose suggestions run all across the spectrum, and often contradict each other. This leads me to believe that outside of a few core principles, interior design of classrooms is largely subjective.

Most of the reading I have done on the subject suggests using vibrant colours—though in what combinations, patterns, or motifs the suggest. All authors suggest the use of ample wall decorations, through some suggest arranging them linearly to suggest order, and others suggest non-linear, maybe random arrangements.

Another element of interior design in classrooms is found in the way lower elementary classrooms are designed.  Often, they are organized into activity zones: reading, math, computer table, open play space, mailboxes, blocks or other toys, etc. This usually gives way to more flexible work areas around grade 3 or 4.

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